Wellness Rocks: The Power of Personal Vision for Health and Wellness
Sheri Davidson: 0:17
Hello friends, you are listening to the wellness inspired podcast. I'm your host, Sheri Davidson and I am here with my sidekick and loyal companion fan. And for those of you who are new, then is my terrier mix rescue dog. He has been with me since 2012. And we make a fabulous duo. He's brought me so much joy in my life. He has been my friend, my trail running buddy and coworker. adopting him was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. And as you can hear, he has impacted my life greatly. And he has also impacted my health and wellness. So I am working on a few pet episodes. One episode is on the healing power of dogs. You know, dogs are such amazing animals. They find their way into our hearts, our homes and families and give us all unconditional love that can heal 10,000 things. So we must talk about dogs on this podcast. But also, I'm in conversation with Finn's amazing vet, Dr. Ashley woods, and we are wanting to talk about pet wellness. We don't have it on the schedule yet. But we are in conversation and we're thinking maybe next Monday we'll be able to record so I am excited to to have that conversation and share it with you. So please stay tuned. Okay, let's move on. In this episode, I am trying something new. So let me know what you think. I'm calling it the wellness rock series, kind of like you rock wellness rock series might change. But that's what it's called. For now. These episodes will be short bits of information, let's say five to 10 minutes. The goal is to inspire and support you along your wellness journey. So if you are scrolling through the if you're scrolling through the podcast or the episodes and you see a wellness rocks, then you know that it's going to be something short, sweet and straight to the point. So check it out. Let me know what you think. And we'll go from there. So but for now, enjoy the wellness rock series. Today, wellness rock series will be on the power of a personal vision. Personal visions are great because it's an opportunity to dream big. Creating a personal vision is a tool that allows you to make your dreams a reality. What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you want to do? And what do you dream about the most? You might be saying, I don't have dreams, I don't have time to dream. But that's not true. We all have dreams, and we all have the time to dream. More often than not. We don't take the time because we think it's childish. Or we think that dreams don't come true. We might take the time to dream and recognize them. But they get put on the backburner of your life. Your dreams get buried with duties, commitments, responsibilities, and negative beliefs. But I will tell you, dreams don't die. They're always there waiting in the background. They are begging to be discovered and acted on in your life. They are ready to motivate, empower and move you to your ideal self and future. I'll admit, dreams are just dreams. They are intangible ideas that can be a form of escape irresponsible, and a waste of time if you don't act on them. When we pay attention, act on our dreams and live them out. They not only positively impact you, but the world. Think about this 99.9% of the world is dreaming of a better place for themselves and family. If they live that out. It has to ripple out into your community and the rest of the world and packing all of those around you. So how do you make your dreams a reality? Well, that brings us to the powerful tool of personal vision. It is putting your dreams down in a clear and concise way to transform your life. personal vision makes your dreams a reality. So let's define personal vision. This is from one of my my coaching books. A personal vision is an expression of an individual's ideal self and ideal future. It encompasses dreams, values, passions, purpose, sense of calling and core identity. It represents not just what a person desires to do, but also who you wish to be. I think this is a great holistic definition of a personal vision. So why spend your valuable time doing this. Spending time creating a personal vision is imperative to fulfilling your dreams. It oriented you on the map of possibility and points you down the road to your destination. This could be social, so relationships, financial, spiritual health, personal and professional development, fitness, recreational travel and nutrition to name a few. A personal vision, not only orientate you, it also keeps you on the road to your destination. You know, life throws you challenges 100% You don't get through life without them. You might have some traffic detours, but you know where you're going. And you can always get back on track, or change directions to a new direction. If you don't like where you're going. You're on the map, you have directions, and you are going somewhere. So I want to share a great analogy with you. And it is from Alice in Wonderland. It is the scene where Alice comes to a fork in the road and she sees the Cheshire Cat and tree. Alice asked, Would you tell me please which way I ought to go? The cat replied, That depends on where you want to go. Alice said, I don't care much where then it doesn't matter which way you go, said the cat. I love this. And it's so true. Knowing where you want to go is the foundation and the first step and fulfilling your dreams. Of course impatience, you need a lot of patience, things don't happen overnight. And you have to do the work. So we're about to wrap it up here. Like I said, short and sweet and to the point. But I'd like to leave you with some exercises to play around with. So you can begin to create your personal vision. Exercise number one, grab a piece of paper, a journal, something to write on, and put your imagination hat on. And think of yourself 10 to 15 years from today. 10 to 15 years, think of yourself project into the future and think of yourself 10 to 15 years from now, from this day. What are you doing? Where are you? Are you in a dream location that you've always thought about? Who are you with? What do you look like? How do you feel? Is work a part of this idle image? And if it is, what are you doing? You know, another way to do this is to think of a GoPro on your head actually have a GoPro that goes on my hat. So you can put your GoPro on your head or you can, you know, put it on your your shirts, and start streaming a video as this as you walk through your day 10 to 15 years from now walk through an average day and video a day in your life. And when you start to stream that video in your head, take note of what you're seeing. Again, where would you be? What are you doing? Who was there? Where are you going? What do you look like and make notes. Exercise number two. All right. You might want to be sitting down for this one. Exercise Number two, you just won the Super lottery and you receive $80 million. Wow. How would your life and work change? What would you do? If you didn't have to worry about money? Money was in the bank. What would you do? Make notes. If you have trouble doing these exercises, give yourself some grace. Developing a personal vision can be hard it can it can be a struggle. Sometimes our dreams are packed way down in there. And I promise you, they're there. They're always there. They have been since you were a child. You know sometimes it can be uncomfortable digging deep to find them, especially if introspection is a new territory for you, but stick with it. I promise you, it will be worth it. Also, when we start to develop a personal vision, we come from a more performance based mindset. And there's nothing wrong with that if high performing is part of your dream. But what I have found and what I have noticed is people get caught in this mindset by default. For example, If you want to move up the corporate ladder at work, you envision yourself getting that promotion and making that move. And you can make that part of your vision. And many people do make it part of their vision. But here's my question before you finalize that as your dream, if you have $80 million in the bank, would you still want to move up the corporate ladder to get that promotion? What's really important here is that you drop the boundaries. And you really allow yourself to dream and stay out of those deep neural pathways that you've created over the years. We are so trained, we've trained our brains to think in that mindset. So all I ask is that you be conscious and mindful of that, because it happens a lot. So let those boundaries down. And this will allow you to explore and discover your real authentic self to live your fullest potential. And that's it told you short, sweet and to the point. So let's wrap it up here. I hope you found this helpful. And let me know your thoughts. You can email me at Sheri at wellness inspired podcast.com It'll be in the show notes. All right. Well, a few more things before I let you go back out into the world to dream and live your best life. If you like what you hear, please subscribe to the podcast and share with your family and friends. You can also give me a rating and review wherever you listen to your podcast, it helps others find me as well. To get updates on new episodes and wellness inspiration in your inbox. Please join the wellness inspired community. Go to the wellness inspired podcast.com to sign up. I'll put the link to the website in the show notes so you can click and join. Also there is a Facebook community at the Wellness inspired and you can follow me on Instagram at wellness underscore inspired. If you're in the Houston area or visiting and interested in acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping dry needling therapy, contact us. You can find out more on my website at element five oh m.com. That's element five, the number five oh m.com. And I'll put the link in the show notes. If you're interested in health and wellness coaching, we can connect in the clinic or on Zoom. Reach out to us and we'll get you on the schedule. And as always, I would love to hear your feedback because I am dedicated to bringing you great content that is inspiring and informative with an artsy fun and edgy spin. Thank you so much for listening. We'll meet here again next time. And remember, never stop exploring, learning loving and being you bye