Spiritual Direction + Animal Communication with Keveney Evanne Avila
Sheri Davidson 0:07 Hi everyone, you are listening to the wellness inspired podcast. I'm your host, Sheri Davidson. And I am super excited to be here with you today. This is the first episode of this podcast. I'm so glad you're here. A little bit about the podcasts before we jump into the first episode. The foundation of this podcast is to inspire the art of self preservation. This can be defined as wellness, well being, health, self care, or loving yourself. I know that sounds cliche, but think about something you love. You want to see it grow, you nourish it, you care for it. You want to see it expand and be the best that it can be. This could be a kid, it could be a significant other. It could be a dog, a cat, a bird, the planet, it could be your business. But think about that thing that you hold close to your heart. You want the best for it, you want to give it the guidance and support it needs to flourish and thrive. And I hope this podcast inspires you to cultivate awareness around your wellness and make choices to live your best, healthiest life. The global wellness Institute defines wellness as the act of pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of Holistic Health. And I truly believe with all my heart that most people are sincere when they say they want to live a healthier life. But we get stuck in old patterns, and belief systems. It's hard to break the patterns and shift our belief systems. Change is hard. Think about habit you want to change but struggle with Why do you think it is so hard to change that habit? I'll give you two main reasons. One is serves a purpose in some way in your life. It fulfills you and to you have made it part of your default system through repetition. This default system is your subconscious mind. That's where all your habits live. And this is where most people operate over 50% of the time. They're on autopilot, living out their habits and belief systems over and over again. And sometimes all we need is a little guidance, support love and community to make sustainable change through monologues conversations and interviews. My goal is to inspire you in achieving a higher level of well being and performance in your life. I will be interviewing experts in the health and wellness field athletes, entrepreneurs, animal lovers, spiritual teachers and people who have inspiring health and wellness stories. I have brainstormed over 65 topics and ideas on health and wellness and I can't wait to share them with you. The first episode is on spiritual direction and animal communication with Keaveny Evans of love much. Coming up in the next couple of weeks is the glorious gut biome with Shauna Tatum and financial wellness with Soledad Tanner of STC financial consulting. I am stoked to see where all this goes. I hope you join our community and get the inspiration you need to live a wellness lifestyle on the wellness inspired podcast. Please subscribe to the wellness inspired podcast so you don't miss out on a new episode. And please share the podcast with family and friends. If you like what you hear, please give me a rating and review wherever you listen to your podcast. It helps others find me as well. You can also keep up with me on Instagram at wellness inspired and Facebook at the Wellness inspired podcast. To receive wellness inspiration in your inbox sign up for the mailing list at wellness inspired podcast.com I love hearing from you to your ideas, suggestions and feedback are important to me. Please contact me at Sheri sh e ri at wellness inspired podcast.com Let's do this. My first guest is Keaveny Evan Vila. She is a spiritual director, animal communicator author and friend with compassion, truth and humility. Keaveny supports spiritual seekers as they confront their shadow selves, discover their divinity fulfill their unique purpose and radically serve others. She works with clients privately and in groups and holds workshops and retreats throughout the United States. She is also well known for her animal Communication and healing work with animals. She has appeared on Oh magazine, Fox, elephant journal, and thrive global. I love what Keaveny does spiritual direction and animal communication. She helps a lot of people and animals live their best lives. But I also love her journey and how she got here. Many times our paths are not so clear to us, but are always shown to us if we're paying attention. The next step is to take action prior to 2017 Keaveny practice corporate law. In one morning, her beloved Labrador Retriever had multiple seizures. Her dog was a catalyst to change it changed her path from law to spiritual direction and animal communication. That's all I will say here. I will let Keaveney tell her story. So let's jump in. I Keaveny Keveney Evanne 6:05 Hey, Sheri, how are you? I'm doing well this morning. Thanks for having me. No, thank Sheri Davidson 6:09 you for coming and spending spending the morning with me? It is raining. Yes. thundering. So you guys will probably hear some of that in the background. But yeah, thanks for coming. We met I guess, two years ago. Yeah. About that. I think January will think I met you in January, maybe right before 2020. I think I met you. Because I came to one of the networking meetings when I was thinking about joining. Yes. But yeah, so Keven, and I met at a networking event or group. And I remember when you were one of the first presentations that I saw, I think it was the first for the good thing was it was either you were gay. Yeah. Yeah. And when I saw your presentation and heard your story, especially about how much you loved animals, I was like, Yeah, we're gonna be friends. Yeah. So I really appreciate you coming here. And you have a book called lawyers lies and Labradors. Keveney Evanne 7:09 I do. Yeah, I launched that in January of 2020. So for the world changed. Sheri Davidson 7:16 Yes, yes. Well, I started reading it, I have to say, I haven't finished it. But I really enjoyed what I have run, and it is your story. It's not, it's kind of like rags to riches, but rep to wellness? Keveney Evanne 7:31 Yes. Yeah, very much. I always. I practice law for 10 years prior to having my own business. And I always say I gave corporate you know, 10 years and 100 pounds. So I was definitely wrecked when I left. You have right. Yeah. And you mentioned in your book, how you had love money and success. But you were filled with anger, unhappiness, you were unhealthy. And you're the catalyst to change was your dog? It was yes. Yeah. Yeah, one of my was a Labrador, Great Pyrenees mix. And one night, she had five massive seizures early, early in the morning. And I saw I knew with every cell of my being what was going to happen, I saw the entire day play out. I knew what the vets were going to tell us, which was to put her down. And I just knew that that wasn't it, and that she was taking on my stress, my frustration, my husband's. And I knew if I took her home and did what I did when I was little, which is play with energy, that she would be okay. Yeah. And she was and she was, yeah, she never had another seizure. And she lived another year and a half to be Sheri Davidson 8:37 11 or 12. That's amazing. It's such a great story. And it's it's dogs just play such a huge part in my life. And I think they are so healing that we and then we just have this love for them that will do anything for them. So for her to make to be the catalyst of I mean, that's huge, because it changed your whole life. Yeah, Keveney Evanne 9:01 I wasn't. I saw myself going downhill. I saw the stress. I saw the frustration, the cortisol, all the things. I wasn't willing to change my life, so to speak for myself, but I would do anything to save her. Sheri Davidson 9:14 Yeah. That's so awesome. That's so awesome. Well, I think it was a very courageous move, to step away from law. Many people would not do that. Because of all the fears that they might have. Whether it's stability, money, kids, college, you know, they're familiar with their current situation. So I think it takes a lot of courage to do that. So that shift that you made was you got into or studied spiritual direction, as well as animal communication and healing. Yeah, I Keveney Evanne 9:47 started I've always been interested in alternative, you know, herbal remedies and natural health and like you do acupuncture. And I've always had access to sort of the spiritual The world and the energy world. And so I had taken some, you know, little Reiki classes here and there things in the past, but I really I dove into lots of different modalities started combining my own method of healing that I use as a little kiddo playing with energy with some more structured modalities. And I found my own, you know, way to work with people and animals. Sheri Davidson 10:23 Yeah, so tell. Tell our listeners a little bit about your your backstory. And when you were a kid, because I remember that was in your presentation. And it's in your book. Keveney Evanne 10:34 Yeah, I saw energy. I thought that I could heal animals, I would, I had a border collie mix as a kid and I would line up my dog babies and my stuffed animals, and I would send Maggie pictures of a certain stuffed animal or certain doll. And I had noticed that she would go and she would get that stuffed animal or she would get that doll and my horses. A dog. Yeah, of course, as a kid, I thought I was like, you know, magic. Really, she was just a very receptive student. And but I realized that we can communicate with animals. Yeah. And so I had a friend who had horses and so I got really interested in working with them. And, and really, I've always seen animals as healers, especially horses and dogs. And I've always been interested in plants as a kid, I would, you know, pick different herbs or if my friend had a tummy ache or couldn't sleep, I say, oh, you know, take a dandelion or do this. And then as I got older, I realized, okay, this knowledge is coming from somewhere. Yeah. Because I would read a book and it would say the same thing that I remember as a kid, so very connected to ancestors and have some Native American lineage. So I always as a kid, I always thought I was a medicine woman. So I like to think that some of that's coming through me. Sheri Davidson 11:56 Do you know I had somebody tell me, when I first moved back to Houston from Austin. She was I don't remember what she I'm not sure what she called herself. But she did energy work. And she told me that I was a medicine woman from a very long time ago, and that I was very mad, because they burned on my herb books. I was like, well, that's interesting, because I love herbs. I probably love herbs more than I love the acupuncture. Although I love acupuncture, but that's what got me into WoW, traditional Chinese medicine. So anyways, I just I just thought about that. I haven't thought about that in a long time. I love herbs Keveney Evanne 12:37 and flowers. And I mean, I've been using essential oils for over 25 years and Sheri Davidson 12:42 the power. Keveney Evanne 12:44 There's so much power. I don't take pharmaceuticals really ever. So they just and I think you know whether it's a lot of its belief, I believe more in the herbs and the oils, so they I have a better response to them. Sheri Davidson 12:56 Yeah, yeah. That's really cool. Well, so tell me and our listeners about spiritual direction and what that is, I think because it could be it's a very broad term. Keveney Evanne 13:08 Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I for a while I was more of in the coaching. I mean, it's similar to coaching however you did lifestyle was it Lifestyle coaching, prosperity, mentoring, and helping people I did, what I did was I helped a lot of people that were in my position that were in corporate that were afraid to leave their salary, I help them monetize their passion and get out of corporate and keep their paycheck and be successful, which was I was good at it and successful, but it wasn't my passion. It wasn't why I left corporate. I really wanted to focus more on the healing whether it's animals or people and also with the spiritual, spiritual direction or spiritual companionship is what i i rebranded earlier this year. And so with my new brand, as opposed to calling myself a coach of love much love much. And I yeah, there's a good story that we must hear. So, yeah, so I just I wanted to be less of I didn't want people to come to me wanting the answers, I wanted to help them find the answers within themselves. And so spiritual companionship or spiritual direction is really about helping others to navigate and explore their connection with the divine, whether that's God universe, source, whatever their word is, wherever background they come from, but helping to navigate the dark nights and the triumphs and the mystery and all of that. And really, now I help a lot of people who have always been my favorite clients are people that have created a lot of success in their career. But now they're at a point where they're wanting to serve at a higher level or have a give back or focus more on their own spiritual journey. And what they're passionate about from a service from a service perspective, more than a monetary perspective. Sheri Davidson 14:49 Why why do you think that comes later in life? You think you've fulfilled all these different levels or you've gotten to a certain point and then you just want to? Yeah, I Keveney Evanne 14:59 think I mean, I have some friends that are astrologers I'm not, that's not my not my thing. But, you know, there's some things to say with like your Saturn Return, certain things happen every 30 years. And when you get into like the 60s, there's some reasons for it, I think too, especially now in the world that we live in, people are so focused on paying bills and paying back school loans and just, you know, dealing with the day to day stuff that a lot of us feel like we don't have the time or the space or the energy to put into something higher, Sheri Davidson 15:32 maybe it could always seems to come with age, you know. And so as a health coach, we talk about the pillars of health and wellness. And spirituality is one of them, right? Because we look at things from a very holistic perspective. And it's so important to feel that connection to something bigger, whatever, absolute, whatever you call that, and, but it does seem to be something that people focus more on. And I think things are changing, because I think I do see some of the younger generations more focused on spirituality, maybe not so much religion, but spirituality, but it definitely seems to come at a older age. So I find that very interesting, Keveney Evanne 16:16 I think to it's coming in a different way now with how the world has changed over the last couple years. You know, I've never resonated with a lot of organized religion, I've never resonated with the New Age Movement, I've always kind of been in this sort of mystical middle, I really resonate with a lot of old ancient teachings, philosophies, religions. But I think that I feel like the purpose of the last few years from a spiritual perspective is really to have us all go internal, right? It's a time where we all need to sort of sit with our own shadows, and a lot of people are focusing on the shadow of the world or other people's pointing fingers. Sheri Davidson 16:55 A lot of people have a hard time with sitting, going internal. And that is what you do is help people through that process. Right. But Keveney Evanne 17:02 yeah, I I say, and this is my clients, where it's kind of being mirrored back to me, but helping people navigate their spiritual ruts and dark nights. Yeah, so those really, you know, the times that seem the darkest and the heaviest, there's so much, you know, it's the death before the rebirth. It's the midst of a heartbreak. Sheri Davidson 17:22 Yeah, so that's a lot of it. And so how do you? So it's kind of an obvious question, but I want to hear your answer. So, you know, I like I was just talking about the spirituality as a pillar of health and wellness, how do you see that playing into people's health and wellness, past experiences, some past clients, obviously, you don't to say their name. But just to give people an idea, and myself, like, what it is like, what kind of things you are sitting with, and guiding them through or navigating them through that process? Because I think it's to hear it, like I help them guide people through those dark nights. I get it. But it's still little, Keveney Evanne 18:04 not tangible, not Sheri Davidson 18:04 tangible thing, right. Keveney Evanne 18:06 Yeah, I think I mean, so. So common themes, I would say, you know, people come to me sometimes when they've received a, you know, terminal diagnosis, right, or they're struggling with some sort of chronic issue. And so it's very heavy, and it's hard. And so I helped them to come to, you know, first decide if they do want to take this on, right. And sometimes we have to take certain parts of it on, because we have, we're experiencing it, but really finding a way to navigate through that illness, or that diagnosis and hopefully come out on the other side. And it's also you know, people maybe that are going through, you know, a divorce or an empty nester like something has some life circumstance has caused them to be sad or to be, you know, it's just not a great place, especially, you know, there's a lot of things that we can choose to latch on to that can make us unhappy right now. So sometimes it's really just helping people navigate the time that we're living in. And I think too, a lot of times, people that have grown up with certain beliefs, whether they're religious or philosophical, or whatever we're sort of imprinted with unraveling those and getting to what is true for you, or when have you taken on from society or from other parents, religions, whatever, and helping to sort of, you know, rebuild our beliefs figure out what's important. I'm Sheri Davidson 19:32 sort of like recreating yourself after some event, because I think people do get stuck. When they have a major life change whether like you said it's a divorce or empty nesters or what we're going through today, I do coaching for University of North Carolina for the students and one of the common themes right now is obviously COVID and how they are responding to that experience. Being in college and it's hard. It's very hard, a lot of them feel isolated and alone. So to help navigate, I don't know how that would look to, to navigate it from a spiritual perspective. But I, it'll be interesting to see the outcome and the long term. Keveney Evanne 20:18 And I think it's really easy. We've gotten into this, if you look at even in like the psychology like the happiness movement and a lot of the New Age teachings, I call it love light and clueless sometimes. But it's very easy to think that we're being spiritual, because we only focus on the positive and we don't want to feel the negative emotions. And really, that's not that's not what the mystical teachings teach us at. All right, we, the heartbreaks over and over again, and you have to feel the pain and the suffering of the collective of your own stuff in order to really have the rebirth. Yeah. And so there's so many people walking around, being happy and making it wrong if they're sad, and just trying to, you know, living this very mycolic kind of shallow spirituality. Yeah, Sheri Davidson 21:04 I think there are some positive I know exactly what you're talking about. Because I've thought the same thing like it's okay to be sad. We have to be sad sometimes. Right? And even Buddha talks about struggles, right? Absolutely. So for me, and I think this is part of the reason why I do a lot of my ultra marathons is it's a struggle that I go through that I appreciate when I get to the end. Sure. Or even if I don't, you know, if I don't, there's been one race where I didn't, and I trained for a year. And but just to have that humility in that just fell, your running is very humbling. Yes, it's a very humbling thing to do. But yeah, I mean, I think that I do love the happiness movement. But I also feel like it's a little misleading. I think Keveney Evanne 21:53 we've taken a lot of the really awesome deep teachings that I focus on. I mean, I study whether it's Sufi mystics, and Christian mystics, and you know, saints and sages and all of it, you know, there's a common thread in all philosophies and all religions, you know, like in the Christian mysticism, we might talk about, you know, St. John of the Cross the dark night of the soul, right, and there's, there's a purpose for that it's the Phoenix Rising, it's the rebirth. And so helping people to see that the greatest gift is sometimes in that darkness. And when we're so close to greatness, we're so close to divine, whatever your word is, we're often blinded by the light, right? So we have to move through the darkness to get to the other side. Sheri Davidson 22:37 Yeah, you can't have the light without the dark. Keveney Evanne 22:41 Yeah, and so many, so many people. Right now, and I mean, not right now, I say right now, but you know, modern days, you know, when we focus on everyone else being wrong, everyone else being the enemy, we become the enemy, right? Because we, when we focus on evil, and we give so much power to it, oftentimes we end up in anger and judgment and self righteousness, which is, to me the opposite of spirituality, faith, love, God, whatever your Sheri Davidson 23:12 word, we know, the Yin Yang, same symbol, and traditional Chinese medicine is the light in the dark, right. And then you have the, the Yin, which is the dark is the substance, it's the, the, it's tangible, it's, and it's dark, right, but it's nurturing as well. And then you have the young, which is the white, and it's it's action, it's the light, it's function instead of like, when we talk about the organ, we have the organ, which is the Yin, and then you have the function of that organ, which is the young but then each one you have a little bit of the dark within the light they start to transform into each other and there's a whole philosophy of Chinese medicine is all based on that like that simple sign can be so complex. Yeah, Keveney Evanne 24:09 but it reminds me a lot of the Divine Feminine right so whether you look at like the the Hindu goddess Kali or you look at you know, different teachings about you know, the Black Madonna and mother, Mary, there's this, we often I feel that we much of society has sort of distorted the real the truth about the divine feminine. Because there is there's that all loving unconditional compassion, which is a huge part of it, but there's also that ferociousness and that protection in that fierce and that that darkness right. And whether you call it feminine, masculine, you know, can show up in a lot of different containers, but it's really about the the integration of both Yeah, right. Yeah, it's Sheri Davidson 24:52 important. Yeah, you can't have one without the other. Absolutely. Yeah. In the Yin is actually the is the feminine Chinese medicine is the mouth. Yeah, it's the the action that Keveney Evanne 25:05 so much power if we can embrace the divine feminine in the way that so, Sheri Davidson 25:11 so you're taking you're saying the Divine Feminine cuz I don't know much about that is the the like if we were going to relate that to the yin and the yang would be all in one, it wouldn't be separate. Is that what you were saying? Keveney Evanne 25:24 I mean, I think there's both in the Divine Feminine the way I teach, right there's, we have, we have the substance, we have the power, we have the death and we also have the compassion and the love and the rebirth in both the divine feminine and the divine masculine. We tend to separate it in our Western society. So yeah, I see what you're saying. Yeah. Integrating, I mean, you could say divine feminine divine masculine, but I think both have both right. Sheri Davidson 25:51 Yeah. Begin within the young. Yeah. Within the Yin, I love it. And you have workshops on that? Keveney Evanne 25:56 I do. Yes, I have I do day workshops. So they're at my studio here in in Houston. And it's usually a Friday evening and then all day, Saturday and Sunday. And then I also do longer overnight retreats, destination retreats. Sheri Davidson 26:11 And Gallup Galveston, that was at the Divine Feminine when they had Keveney Evanne 26:15 I have the Divine Feminine the first Divine Feminine one, I'm not sure if if a lot of this will launch before that or not. But November 5, sixth and seventh, I have one here, that's a day retreat at the studio that's on it's called wild love. Okay. And it's really about embodying the ferociousness as well as the merciful nature of the divine feminine. Sheri Davidson 26:34 And yet, so November 5, sixth and seventh, fifth, sixth, and seventh. Okay. I'm going to try and launch this podcast in October. Okay, but if not, I will put the I'll put the link in the show notes. And then because would that be the same link? If you did a workshop? Like, yeah, the Keveney Evanne 26:54 Divine Feminine workshops will always be the same link, update the times, because I am going to do one spa. And then I'm also going to do one, probably in January, and maybe once a quarter. Okay, Sheri Davidson 27:05 so I'll put the least put we'll put the link in the show notes just in case I don't get it. I can always try the next one. Yeah, and you can try the next one. So I think that's so awesome. In your book, you said you were re writing your book, Keveney Evanne 27:19 or I am I'm, I've had time to sit with it. Now. It was funny, I gave it to my husband right before it went to print and I said speak now forever hold your peace. And when it came out in an actual book, he said, I probably should have read it more closely. So we're kind of I'm tweaking a few things, taking out a few pieces that are really, I feel like I worked through some of my stuff in the book. And now it really doesn't have the energy on me that it did. So taking out some stuff also incorporating how my business has changed because the book is very heavily focused on the prosperity mentoring, as well as animals, the animals has always been with me. But yeah, I'm gonna and I'm actually I may change the title, I'm going to relaunch because I had a national book tour plan for 2020. Which got cancelled didn't happen. So, but I want to I want to relaunch it and do the tour and you know, travel the country and have fun with it. Sheri Davidson 28:13 Yeah, so um, when did you say it was gonna launch? Do you have? Keveney Evanne 28:17 I don't know. We'll see. You'll see. Hopefully, sometime next year. Sheri Davidson 28:23 Yeah, yeah. 2022 That's gonna be the year yeah, it's gonna be a big year. I think for myself as well. make something happen. It's time for some big changes. It's time for some big changes and big trips. I I think I have been in Houston for what I love Houston, it's my home. But I haven't really traveled anywhere. I haven't taken any, like I in 2017. I told myself that once here is going to do a big trip. And I have I have stayed with that commitment until 2020. So now, it'll be two years and I haven't done anything. So you need to take two trips are really really long. Oh, I'm planning a really long one. Great. It'll be this time next year. So hope it all works out. It will I will be Faroe Islands Iceland and Greenland. Oh, wow. That's the plan. I was gonna go to Japan. But Japan's not open yet. And I want to start planning something. So it will probably Japan will probably be open next year. There's a the Kumano Kodo trail that I would really love to do. It's a spiritual to walk into pilgrimage. But I just want to start planning something and I can't really depend on that right now. Yeah, so yes, but I'll be gone for like a month. Keveney Evanne 29:41 That will be awesome. But that's what I missed the most over the last few years is just traveling traveling for fun and also I mean, I I typically went to San Diego once a quarter for I have a lot of clients there and friends and so that's been tough. Did you live in California? No, I've never lived in California but I have. I do have a lot of fans. Hey there. Yeah, but most I'm from Pennsylvania. So most of my family is on the east coast. Yeah, I remember Sheri Davidson 30:04 that. But for some reason I thought you might have lived in California. Just energetically, you're just Keveney Evanne 30:11 Yeah, I seem to get a lot of referrals from there. And I just, I had my very first client was from San Francisco, and she was living in West u. And I helped her manifest her move back. And, and she's been, I mean, I can probably trace half my business back to her. So she's been an awesome referral. Sheri Davidson 30:29 Yeah. Yeah. You just need one, one awesome referral and somebody that believes in you. And that's all it takes. Word of Keveney Evanne 30:37 mouth is my damn Sheri Davidson 30:38 mind too. Well, let's do you have anything else that you want to say about your book or your workshops? Keveney Evanne 30:47 I think I'm you had mentioned the longer retreats, too. So I've done some in Galveston, South Padre Florida. Yeah. Had a really amazing one plan for Southern California, which didn't happen last year. So I'm hoping that way. 20 that one comes back. Yeah. It will. Sheri Davidson 31:05 Those are 2022. Keveney Evanne 31:07 Yes. And I was in Ireland, or, or Scotland or I've, I've studied a lot in the UK. And so I love England and Scotland. And, yeah, I got to do when there. Ireland would Sheri Davidson 31:19 be beautiful. I did some backpacking, and went to Ireland. It was a long time ago. But I do remember to in the Ring of Kerry. I do remember that. It was beautiful. Well, let's talk about animals because they're come spin. Right on cue it right on Cuban. animal communication. Yeah, it's I find it fascinating. And I do too. And I do it every day. Yes. And I'm a total believer. I feel like I talked to Finn all the time. And he talks to me like he's talking to me right now with his eyes. But some so we talked a little bit about it in the beginning how you got into it, when you are working with somebody or working with a client. For Paul client? What are the typical reasons that people seek you out to to communicate with them? Yeah, a lot of Keveney Evanne 32:14 times, it's it can be behavioral. It can be a dog that maybe they've rescued, or they've adopted recently, and there's some thing that they can't figure out what's going on. A lot of times, people will go through our traditional trainers, and when the kind of like the normal stuff doesn't work. They'll get referred to me or they'll come to me also, I work with a lot of animals who are struggling with some sort of physical or a separation anxiety could be emotional, right? Especially now we're animals who've never had separation anxiety or having it because people are going back to work and they've been home for a year. And then some people just are curious, they just like, oh, what I have some questions for my dog and you know, can you ask them and I find that or it can be you know, sometimes someone will say I have two or three dogs, they're not related. And they all have similar health stuff, they all have something going on in their pancreas. And so I always animals pick up energy in our energetic field before it actually manifests in our physical body a lot of times and you know, you know, disease, you know, this right? Often is around before we manifested and so I will look to the energy of say if it's the pancreas, you know, what's the energy it's usually defeat? And so always ask, is there anyone in the house who's suffered a defeat? And sure enough, there usually is. And when I work with no, since that person, then the animals no longer have the issues. They're so sensitive, though. Yeah, they are. And a lot of people a lot of times people aren't either willing to spend money on themselves or just aren't ready to that's how it shows up. But really, it's they're not ready to really look inside and face the stuff. Yeah, but they don't want their animals to be sick. Yeah. So humans oftentimes come to me through their animals. It's kind of the tool that helps me access them. Sheri Davidson 34:08 There's so healing, aren't they in so many ways. Keveney Evanne 34:10 They are especially I mean, my favorite are horses and dogs, but I work with cats and cows and guinea pigs and the whole nine yards. guinea Sheri Davidson 34:17 pigs told me a funny story. Okay, Keveney Evanne 34:20 but not a guinea pig, guinea pig. I want to know what they um, so I had I had a client in California and she and her daughter were out of town and her husband was taking care of the guinea pig and they got home and the guinea pig was an acting right they realized the guinea pig wasn't eating. And so she called me and she's She's somebody who I work with a poodle. I work with her husband, I work with all of them. And so I'm kind of her first line of defense and she said what's going on with the piggy? And I so I did a like an energetic scan right? I can sounds funny but I can see inside the the animal's body right. And so it was funny because what the what the piggy showed me was a conveyor belt. And it was like you're putting something on it. And it was like, you know, it'd be things. I don't know what guinea pigs eat at the time, right? It was my first guinea pig client. I've never had a guinea pig. But it would be like little pellets or little different things. I can't remember what it was some there was, I think, some fruit maybe. And so was all these things were on this conveyor belt, and then all of a sudden, it just stopped. And the guinea pig like, it was like, the possum playing dead, right? The guinea pig showed himself like, you know, like as though he was dead. And I said, you know, what I'm picking up is that when a guinea pig stops eating, it's like a conveyor belt. And it's very dangerous and everything stops. And so she said, Well, do I need to take him to the emergency vet? And I said, Yes. Because sometimes I'll ask and sometimes it's yes, sometimes it's now. And so she took him to the they called the exotic vet in and the way they explained it was when a guinea pig stop eating. It's like a conveyor belt. And it has to constantly have input output input output, and if it stops and the guinea pig was in, I mean, he was, you know, critical at that point. So that was kind of a fun little story. Yeah, it was gonna so so it really does play a part in the health and well being of the owner as well as Yes, as the of the animal. Because when we when we work on the human stuff, yeah, a lot of times the animal stuff is way. And the other thing too is I work with a lot of end of life situations. So people that are wondering, does the animal want assistance to be liked was a one on one to be euthanized? Are they suffering, give us a sign. And it's always I mean, the animals give the craziest, like, I had a cat that showed me this, it was like the solid whites very sterile room and this massive black shiny surface. And the cat was like laid out on the top of the surface. And I described it to the client. And she said, Well, we have a we have a white kind of like a museum type room with a baby grant. And I said, well, the cat when when the cat is ready to be transitioned. He's going or she's going to go and lay on top of the piano and the person's like, oh, no, the cat knows not to get on the piano. The cats not declawed the whole nine yards. Sure enough, one day they walked from, they walked in, and the cat was brought out on the piano and had gone downhill quite a bit over the last couple days. So I asked for size, and it's always something that they're like, they're never gonna do that. And then sure enough, they'll they'll do it. Sheri Davidson 37:31 Well, I wish I knew you. When Jack was around. He was he was 17. And I think there was really no question whether it was his time, because he was in kidney failure. And I had three vets that had to tell me it's time, you know, but, but it would have been kind of nice to see. Like, what he was like if he had any messages or anything well, even with end of life, and we can still see now just because he's gone doesn't mean we can't but even end of life, Keveney Evanne 38:02 I find animals they hold on. To fulfill, I call it a soul contract, but to fulfill some sort of purpose in the owner's life. And so sometimes there's a lesson, especially if a dog or cat or horse is just holding on and on and on. It's, I can go in and help you know, they'll show me pictures from different times, oftentimes the person's life. You know, I do this every day. And I'm like, Where does this happen? What does this come from? Right? It's still kind of mystery. Yeah, but they'll show me things or sometimes different visitors will come in and help to understand what closure needs to happen. So it's very healing, obviously puts the animal at peace, but it's very healing for the human to. Sheri Davidson 38:42 That's interesting, because I still think Jack's around. I think I told him, Well, you know that? Yeah. Because every time I see and maybe it's me still holding on to him. Because every time I see a picture of him, I've acknowledged him. And I tell him, I love him, and he's missed. And then I go on with my day. And but I don't know that might be probably both of us. Sure. We're hanging on, I see him as one of my protectors so Keveney Evanne 39:08 and I totally think animals can be like your guardian angels and kind of watch over you. Yeah, yeah. Some of them are kind of like people talk about like spirit guides or departed loved ones. You know, I always say some people are here for a reason, a season and then some are I call them like life guides. Yeah. You know, they're they're a part of us. Yeah. Whether it's an Earth Guide, or a party loved one or an animal. Yeah, they're just kind of with us forever. How I feel about Jack. Sheri Davidson 39:40 And Finn will be that way too. I get I get very attached. I mean, which I'm sure like many people do, but they really are like, my mom calls Finn, my firstborn. She's like, Well, Jack is really your firstborn. But Finn, Finn is your firstborn. That's like, Yeah, I know. Keveney Evanne 39:55 Well, I have one of the dogs. I have now Kinley. She was a rescue and she we weren't really even Thinking about getting another dog and she came in a few months after my grandma passed, and my grandma was my person. And so she totally came in as a heart healer, my husband jokes and says, when she decides to pick out a new sweater, that's what we call it when they cross over the rainbow bridge. She said, he goes, am I gonna have to put you down too. But we're just that I love all my dogs, right? I'm connected to all of them. But I mean, she and I are just like codependent almost. Sheri Davidson 40:25 I haven't i are i definitely think that and I, you know, he's a rescue. And not in my wildest dreams would I have, I didn't even think about getting a dog that would run with me right and enjoy running so much. But he loves it. Like he is like, the best trial dog. Keveney Evanne 40:45 He does. I see pictures and he's all in. He's so happy. Sheri Davidson 40:48 And you know, he was dealing with some, some he was well, he was diagnosed with intervertebral disc disease a few years ago. And now that he's getting older, we would hit the trails. And then afterwards, he just been a lot of pain. And so I really haven't taken him on the trails. Alexey had a really bad episode in May. And I finally took him to a rehabilitation center. I think I might have told you that a little bit. Yeah. It was the best thing I ever did. So he's doing chiropractic adjustments. He's doing cold laser therapy. He's doing aqua therapy. Dr. Mickelson. She does not think that it is the disk disease, which for us, like I thought I was at a point of acceptance. I was looking at ramps for the bed because it had moved from his neck to his hips. And that he could he just he was staying in the episode. Like normally he'd be out of an episode in two weeks. And this was the whole month of May. And I was like okay, Sherry, except Except this is how it is. He's not going on the trails anymore. And I took him there and she just she turned in a snap turned our whole world around. And it's amazing. She's like, I cannot rule it out. Because I do not believe that is what it is. But he's been doing therapy. And guess what, this past weekend was his first weekend without a leash to run on the trail, which means he runs harder, right? He can go faster and go faster. He can lat he can fall behind and spinning on Sprint to catch up. He'll run in front. And this weekend was his first weekend since May to do that. And he seems to do okay, look at Yeah, he seems good today. So but you know, he's, uh, I'll do anything for him. And I know some people laugh at me, but hey, I'm an acupuncturist and herbalist and a health coach. So why wouldn't my dog be doing chiropractic adjustments? And she's, she's an acupuncturist as well. And she prefers doing more natural approaches. So she has this one of the same lines of herbal formulas that I have. Oh, very cool. Yeah. But hey, he's running and hopefully. Keveney Evanne 42:57 But well, I have our order lab Kinley the one that's my person, she's doing hydrotherapy. And you know, she had a an episode I guess two weekends ago where she wouldn't be one stand up and she's getting up there and yours. And we took her to the bed and of course they wanted to do muscle relaxers and anti inflammatories and pain and everything and I mean, we did that in the immediate just to kind of get her up for a bit but then we started doing hydrotherapy and she may have a back thing going on. It could just be that the puppy pounce on her a little hard. Yeah, but one thing when we went to the hydrotherapist she said you know there's she's got some muscle loss. And as we're building up the muscle, she's not having a lot of the issues. So Sheri Davidson 43:40 it's amazing. I mean, I love Western medicine and and I I gave him I gave he was on anti he was on the protocol and the anti inflammatories and muscle relaxer relaxers and the pain meds but my thought was like I can't keep them on right it's not sustainable. Yeah, like what what what are my options because he can't and they didn't have an answer for me. Exactly. So that's when I went on the search and I found the rehabilitation center and it's just been so if you ever want that information I mean she Dr. Mickelson is amazing. Chiropractor, acupuncturist herbalist? Keveney Evanne 44:20 I love always meeting open minded. Yeah, you should. Yeah, a lot of the beds are like animal communication way. Sheri Davidson 44:28 So it's the veterinarian chiropractic rehabilitation center, and it's parallel. And so she works on mainly horses and dogs and yeah, Keveney Evanne 44:40 she wasn't I'm doing networking referring to get credit. Sheri Davidson 44:42 Well, I'm gonna invite her on to the podcast. I would love to, for her to come on the podcast and talk about alternative therapies as a veterinarian for animals. You know, baby great contact. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And so what else You do workshops, you do animal communication workshops, and I I have been. Keveney Evanne 45:07 So what do you think? Sheri Davidson 45:08 I love? Good. I loved it. It was it was so much fun. And then you actually did a 30 minute 40 minute session on fin. Yes. Which was really interesting. So I walked away hearing that Finn wants his voice at the clinic. And because you were like, do you shush him? I was like, no, no, I don't. And I was like, oh, wait a second at the clinic at the clinic? I do. Because he'll he likes to let me know when delivery people approach the door. And I'm always shushing him because people are in here trying to relax. So I don't think he has gained a voice here. But I definitely at home, let him have his voice. But also, the other thing that you told me was that he wanted a TempurPedic Oh, yeah, he kept showing the foam. Either foam. Yeah. And so it was really funny, because after that, I decided to throw some pillow. Well, first, he loves pillows. So if you have at home, he takes over the pillows. He he's in the pillows on the sofa. So I decided to take a couple of pillows and put them underneath the padding I had on the floor at home. I think I should I sent you a picture. And he was just completely passed out for like two hours. I feel like this question. He likes a he's a dog of luxury. But, um, but yeah, so I thought it was super fun. And I try and communicate with him. But I think in that there were two to six or two experiences in that workshop that really stick out in my mind. And one of them was the last horse. Do you remember the horse that on the six? It was the horse that was owned by an Amish family? Okay, working horse. Yes. And it was the last one. It was Keveney Evanne 47:17 the mom of the baby that we have the baby. Sheri Davidson 47:22 And for some reason I just remember because I think we went through like maybe six? Sure. Yeah. We practice on Keveney Evanne 47:31 like six different animals. Yeah, dogs and cats and horses. I usually use a gorilla, gorilla. Yeah, sometimes a pull on a grill or an elephant. Sheri Davidson 47:38 I think it was from the Houston Zoo. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Keveney Evanne 47:41 Or was it there was a girl we did not know we did. Oh, my goodness. Coco, Coco. Right? Yeah. Oh, Coco, the gorilla. That was from and then we did we did something we did an elephant from that. Maybe Maybe that was Sheri Davidson 47:54 from the Houston Zoo. And but the horse there were two two experiences one the course. Because I remember on all of those, you know, you not walk everybody through what you taught us in the workshop. But we were gonna connect. And I was able to connect with all of them. But for some reason that horse I could not like she doesn't want to be talked to. And so you hear it or hearing the story of the horse made so much sense. And I was like, I got like chills. Keveney Evanne 48:20 Yeah, she was she just never had a lot of human interaction. So she was Sheri Davidson 48:24 yeah, it was really crazy. Because all I could see was myself standing in front of her saying it's okay. Mm hmm. And when you said when you told us a story, I was like, Oh, my gosh. But the other experience I had was the black cat that popped up. Oh, yeah. And I was like, I couldn't even connect. Yeah, I was gonna cry. Yeah. Anyway, so So tell people about your workshop. And Keveney Evanne 48:46 yeah, it's fun. It's really fun when you have like 30 to 40 people, that was a pretty small one, because of all the social distancing and fun stuff. But we have several people and some people may have like, played with it a little bit. But most of the times, they're just totally new, they have no background. And so I bring people in, we talk a little bit about the heart to heart connection, we talk about how to connect to the animal, how to connect to the energy, the essence. And then I have just random clients that I've gotten permission to use, and I put them up on a big screen. And so it's just a picture of the animal. And I walk them through the process again, and I usually give a couple questions that we ask every animal, and then we compare notes. And so it's so fun to see. I remember I did one a few years ago, I think we had 14 people. And we would put the animal up and you know, 10 people might we might ask what's your favorite toy and 10 people might say yellow duck. And so it just it's such confirmation for people that they're connecting to something. Right? And so yeah, they're they're fun. I do them at my studio. I've done some virtual, but I also help people if they want to. If they're not in I like the live workshops better. But if there are people that want to Learn I can work with them one on one and help them to read their own animal. And sometimes it's tricky. So whenever I, whenever I teach people, I always say you can always come back and I can confirm, because some numbers so close that it is tricky to I've had some dogs that like I can't disconnect from and I have others that it's I'm so close to that sometimes I don't trust the reading. Yeah, Sheri Davidson 50:22 yeah, talk about it in meditation if you do any kind of contemplative meditation that you have to trust, the images that you get, or the the words that you get, or the sounds that you get, and it's hard to trust them sometimes, especially when you have so many thoughts coming in. It's hard, but I do I remember how to navigate through that experience. In your workshop. You were saying trust your first instinct. Keveney Evanne 50:50 Yeah. And it's, I mean, I still like sometimes what I get is so crazy that I'm just like, these people are gonna think I'm wackadoodle if I tell them, but I found that the more I share the crazy the things that I find to be like, totally out there. They're the messages that resonate the most. And they're like, I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. Yeah, I've had really fun stories, especially I have a live work with men and women. And I have a, you know, some really fun stories with like, attorneys and engineers, who I'm pretty sure their wife held a gun to their head to come. And then, like, I see a specific animal. There was one guy, he was a, he was a CPA and A J. He had a CPA and a JD, who says like forensic accounting, and a lawyer, and he came in and the first thing I kept hearing, like GGG, GGG, and I saw this orange cat. And I said, Okay, I'm just gonna go with it. And he laughed, and he said, Oh, my gosh, you really are which what you want me to do. And he was like, that was a cat that he had. And he said, on his way to my office, he said, Alright, guys, if this lady can help me, I want to see Gigi. And he kind of like put it out to the universe is like a dare almost. And sure enough, she popped in, and then he became my best student, you know, so but it was, it was funny, because I had to, you know, trust my gut and have the confidence to just yeah, you know, let it land where it lands. Yeah, Sheri Davidson 52:11 yeah, yeah, you have to trust that, you know, I know, I know what you're talking about, cuz I go through that here. Sometimes I treat a lot of men and women, but a lot of times the men come because of their, their wife or their girlfriends, so and then it's fun to see them flip, you know, and become a believer. So Keveney Evanne 52:30 that's awesome. And it's fun. I did, um, I've done a few more like adolescents lately, um, readings with them. And it's, it's got to be something with me, right? So I have less of it. Not that I ever have a filter. But I, it's, you know, they're more receptive, because they're younger, they haven't gone through as many years of what we've all gone through. And so I found that with this girl, the messages were just like, so clear, and so fast. And I noticed like, without sometimes, you know, if you get in your own head, you can try to make the messages make sense. And that's when you'll say to steal, tell something to somebody, they're like, yeah, that doesn't resonate. And it's because I put some sort of filter on it. Yeah. And so it was a really good lesson for me when I just was working with a kiddo and had less of a human stuff. My human stuff going on. It was it was confirmation of how fast it does come in. Yeah, we're not trying to make it something, which Sheri Davidson 53:22 most the time we are. Yeah, I think it's I think that's a big skill to be able to do that. I mean, just in everyday life, right, not to kind of put your spin on it. But that's really hard to do. Keveney Evanne 53:36 So. And I think that's why it's easier with the animals because I mean, everything's crazy that comes with balls, right? Like, I don't need to try to filter it because, yeah, they're obviously open to it if they've come and yeah, so that's why I love the animal stuff so much. Sheri Davidson 53:51 So I remember you telling us, I don't know if it was in your workshop, or if it was just in another conversation one day, but you were talking about racehorses. Mm hmm. And I don't think it was you, but I think it was maybe your teacher, that she works with racehorses a lot because I stopped running. Keveney Evanne 54:09 Yeah, I, when I left corporate, I thought maybe I should take some sort of actual animal communication course to see what this is about. And so I found a world renowned animal communicator that was doing a class and so I went to that it was I think it was like a day or two. And she has been called in for different Olympic athletes horses. And, you know, she said, when she goes to talk to the horse that might be like this, this particular horse is favored to win and there's no you know, just totally favored. And then maybe a week or two days before the competition, they just stopped training and their horses the horses are just like I'm done right and they're just moseying around. Until go in and she you know, the horse will just say it's not my turn to win. So and, and oftentimes the horses show her another horse. And it would be like a horse that they're like, yeah, that horse is running, but he doesn't stand a chance. And then sure enough, that horse, that horse would win. And so someone asked her, do you bet on the horses? I know. And, you know, she said, No, that would be out of integrity, right? Yeah. And luckily, I don't think I don't know maybe I don't know if people hire her. And then you I don't know. She definitely doesn't encourage that. But it's yeah, it's interesting because they, they kind of, and it's funny, because if you watch like horse races, oftentimes, they're all running, running, running, running. And then it's like, they all just kind of hang back and let one go forward. So I'm gonna have to watch and they're super, I mean, interesting. I find horses to be the most telepathic creatures and totaled horses and dogs heart healers, so they often come into people's life when there's been something that needs to be healed. Yeah, Sheri Davidson 55:53 I believe that. I totally believe that because I know that hint Fenn has. He came into my life for a reason. And, and he has done a very good job. We, we both need each other. So I believe that I love horses. I've never really been around them. But I find that amazing and powerful. And beautiful. Like I there's nothing I will start to cry. If I see a pack of horses or a herd of horses running, sprinting across an open field. I don't know what that is for me. But it's just there's something about it that I just I love. And when I went to Iceland couple years ago, I rode a Icelandic horse. And her name was Star. Oh, wow. And star I just I loved her. I just wanted bring her home. Keveney Evanne 56:46 Yeah, I mean, their their energy container is just massive. Sheri Davidson 56:50 It's huge. Yes. And it she was so sweet and so shy. But very gentle. And yeah, I just wanted to wrap her up. And they do they have this Keveney Evanne 57:02 gentle power and presence. And it's so huge. It's so soft. Yeah. I love it. Well, When Sheri Davidson 57:09 are your next workshops for animal communication? Keveney Evanne 57:13 I don't have any on the calendar right now, but I'll probably do some. I usually do like once a quarter. Yeah. That's what I try to do under normal circumstances. So I'll probably do on early 2022. Sheri Davidson 57:25 So I have to ask you a question two, why are you drawn to Labradors? Keveney Evanne 57:28 Oh, those are all your dogs. So growing up I had my first dog was the Border Collie mix that my dad had that was born a few months before me. So I really like my first 14 years of life. I'm an only child. So she was my thing. And then my mom wanted to get smaller animals that didn't shed. So we had like Shih Tzus and your keys. And then in college, I've always just love labs, like just their energy. They're, they're loyal. They're fun. They tire a little more easily, even though they're super hyper. And so I got my first Labrador in college, and I had her in law school with me in Rhode Island. And then I've had two more well, lab mixes rescues. And now we have a golden retriever, a white golden retriever. Yeah. I thought the energies would be very similar with a golden and the lab. And they are and they aren't. The Goldens are? Well, at least I mean, I think Sophie is exceptional, because she's my husband's dog, and they take on the energy of their owners. So there's something there. But she's the most stubborn and willful. More so than the great, Pierre. Nice. Yeah. And so I just labs are just, I mean, they're just like a big ball of love. And I do think I mean, there's a reason that certain dogs are used as service dogs as medical dogs. Sheri Davidson 58:54 Yeah, and labs are used a lot for service. Yes. And yeah. Well, I've always been really drawn to terriers. So when I was really young, my dad and yes, this was when encyclopedias were actually a thing and you would flip through them, but my dad wanted me to pick up a dog and so I picked out a West Highland Terrier and their white terriers. All white small, my dad ended up getting one and I grew up with Westies fun because of me, but the dog ended up being my dad's dog and not my dog. And they'll tell you because I got mad at the dog a lot, but because it was always like biting my hair and it was just being it was being a dog and play Sure. But my dad and the dogs always bonded. But when I Finn is a terrier mix. He's a rescue in a terrier mix, but I'm still drawn to that. I don't know what it is. And they say that your well they always say you look like your dog. Keveney Evanne 59:56 Yeah, I've definitely heard that. I've seen that. Sheri Davidson 1:00:02 And it's funny because I always remember that because then I won't he has this goatee, Leo has beard, and I never cut it. And people say he looks like an old man. So some people will say you look exactly like your dog. And I'm like, Keveney Evanne 1:00:16 man. And I think too, I think sometimes it's that we have a similar energy to our dog because we draw them in. And so our way of communicating that, as a human is like, Oh, you look like your dog, but they might actually put me up on the energy that makes and I can see it because you're like, you come across as like a busy like to die. And you're not just sitting you know, interiors are very busy. And so I could see that. Yeah, he attracted Sheri Davidson 1:00:37 to Yeah, and it turns out he loves Charles like me, so. Yeah, we're good match. Yeah, and he's pretty chill. Mm hmm. Except for when the delivery people come. Keveney Evanne 1:00:46 Yeah. It's funny I have. If I had to look at a breed of dog that I see the most. It would definitely be poodles, Sandra poodles. I have a lot of standard poodle clients, do you think that's because of your clients? So I have a lot of theories on that. But it's interesting, because I've always kind of felt like Sandra poodles are a little bit otherworldly. And I would say nine out of 10 people that come to me with a standard poodle, one of the first things they say is, well, I'm an alien. And so it's really funny. I mean, I'm not saying that they're an alien, right? But they associate with something otherworldly. And then they pull in this poodle and some of the pictures that means I have poodle clients that literally walk on two feet, all that like they just walk around on two feet. And interesting things like a picture. Yeah. And they sometimes they take a picture of him walking. And it looks like there's like lasers on their back. It's really funny, but I definitely have a lot of and it's always funny, because there's always people that have very proper, standard poodles that they've paid a lot of money for that have gone to the best trainers, and then they are doing something just totally like a behavior. Yeah, like, like, just, you know, tackling them into the ground and humping things that are just not acceptable in their world. And so it's always fun to Sheri Davidson 1:02:10 was that a standard poodle you took a picture with in California, you still it was Yeah, Keveney Evanne 1:02:15 somebody's dog. But yeah, yeah. And it was funny because I was doing a photoshoot in San Diego. And I'm like, I need a dog. And the girl that was doing the shoot had cats, but so we walked up to somebody and they were outside eating. And I said they had a standard poodle. And I said, can I borrow your dog and just take them down to the beach? And they're like, Yeah, sure, you know, and it was trusting, you know, and the girl who was taking the pictures, she said, Yeah, but you don't have poodles. You have labs. I'm like, Yeah, but it makes sense. That's a lot of brutal clients. Sheri Davidson 1:02:45 That's funny. Well, I love animals, and they all have such different personalities, the breed and then each animal, right? It's just, it's really fascinating to see that. And I have always said that, when you let a dog just be who it is. It's when that personality really comes out. But if you treat it like a dog, like it somehow shuts them off, or they're not allowed to grow or develop, or, I guess, maybe expand in some way. But yeah. Okay, so do you have any advice or tips for the listeners? Yeah, so Keveney Evanne 1:03:23 I'll kind of circle back to the love much. So when I was when I was wanting to rebrand last year and going through a lot of my own dark night stuff, I kept hearing love, much love, much love much on repeat. And so I just decided, okay, that's going to be my new tagline. That's going to be my brand. And then I got really interested in St. Teresa of Avila. And I started reading a lot of different mystics and different religions, but her book interior castle, and just really started reading and reading about the mystical heartbreaks, I guess the advice comes in, in terms of like, feel the feelings. Allow, don't you know, don't spend three weeks swallowing and bombards. Right, but allow yourself to feel like we are feeling creatures. And I came across so I rebranded started to rebrand at the end of last year, rolled it all out this year. And maybe like two months ago, I was reading one of her works that I hadn't come across before. And I came across the quote, and this little leave the reader or the listeners with the important thing is not to think much but to love much. And so do what stirs love inside of you, I think is what the quote is. So it's always a few. The way I put it is, you know, find what breaks your heart the most and serve it. What breaks your heart the most and what breaks your heart the most and serve it interesting. Yeah, that's a really great place to start. Right? Because oftentimes, what what fires us up the most what makes us the most sad is definitely tied to our purpose here. Sheri Davidson 1:05:00 Interesting to send on that one. Yeah. Keveney Evanne 1:05:03 And a good a good way to kind of play with it is if you can think about whether you're watching a movie or you're at a party or you're just going about your day to day life, you're having coffee with your girlfriends. If there is a theme that almost every time you hear a story about it, or you see it on TV, you just you stop and you feel Sheri Davidson 1:05:24 tell you what that is for. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's definitely animal cruelty. Like, yeah, it is it I have no patience. It hurts every time. I see that on Facebook or Instagram, or someone sends me something. I'm like, do not like, I'm not the person you're supposed to be sending this to. Keveney Evanne 1:05:44 Or maybe you are maybe. Yeah, I mean, for me, it's definitely cruelty to animals to enter the environment. Sheri Davidson 1:05:52 Yeah, it's just crazy. I just don't get it. It's I do get it and I don't get it. Keveney Evanne 1:05:59 And it's really like, that's one thing when I work with people in spiritual direction now. Yeah, that's one of the places we start and really unraveling. Okay, so how does that fit into your purpose? And does it mean that you're supposed to start an animal rescue and rescue of animals? Maybe not. But there's definitely clues there to unravel. Yeah, Sheri Davidson 1:06:16 well, you know, fitness part of this podcast, so we will definitely be talking about topics here. On animals and their wellness, and their health. Yeah, no, that is definitely on on the on the plan. Or in the plan, I Keveney Evanne 1:06:32 should say. Fun. Yeah. So how can people get in touch with you? The best way to get in touch with me is my website. I'll put in the show notes. I'll put it in the show. And if you want to know what's going on, if you go on the website, join the love match community, you'll get on the email list. I don't really do social. And so social media. So the best way is to get on my email list. And you'll know all the fun stuff and retreats and Sheri Davidson 1:06:55 yeah, yeah. Excellent. Well, I guess this is a good place Keveney Evanne 1:07:00 to wrap up. All right. Well, thanks for having me. It was fun. Unknown Speaker 1:07:03 Thank you for coming. Fine. See ya.